iPad Cursor and modes of interaction

Some impressions of iPad Cursor support after a couple weeks using it with a Magic Trackpad:

  1. I like it. Visually and practically, it works well.

  2. It has rough edges: invoking Slide Over does not work for me reliably or smoothly. If you have even mild or slight motor problems, the process is painful and frustrating. Apple needs to rethink this a bit.

  3. iPad has four modes of primary input currently: hand gestures, keyboard, trackpad, and pencil. Now they need to unify the experience so one can accomplish all basic interactions with one or the other.

    1. Example: I want to be able to use the pencil to tap on things and invoke actions, like bringing up Control Center, just like with the trackpad.

    2. Example: I want keyboard shortcuts for invoking and manipulating the various multitasking UIs and modes, especially Slide Over.

  4. Also, I would like to see Siri added as a fifth input device for these functions.

    1. Example: “Siri, show Slide Over” … “hide Slide Over” … “done”

    2. Example: “Siri, split the screen on the right, add Safari”

  5. iPad as a chameleon that can change its look and mission by combining (or removing) specialized components, much like a camera system, makes it a fun and versatile platform. But at the basic levels of interaction, I would like to see these components be co-equal in capability and usage.