Tree Removal in Taipei, Shilin Dist. 砍樹在台北市士林區

The public works administration's uprooting of trees along Zhongzheng Road has been a mini-controversy for a few months. The city removed the old trees to make way for the underground construction of a new MRT train line. The city also said they were sick. The section of the road affected by the tree removal is an area I know well. Pre-COVID, I would be there regularly. I found myself there last night for a dinner event, and it was a disorienting experience.

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Taiwan's electronic health records

It’s difficult to describe to friends and family in the USA how utterly broken the medical system is there. For many with decent insurance, there is little appreciation for how much better, fairer, and cheaper it could all be. Until you have experienced the Taiwan medical system, you realize that the US does not have a single system but rather an assortment of medical markets, broken ones at that. I can and will expound on this topic some other day.

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